If you’re thinking about installing a solar panel system, you’ve probably already been exposed to solar marketing, whether through spammy ads promising free solar panels or a knock on the door signaling an eager solar salesman ready to persuade you of the benefits of going solar. To make the best decision for your home, you must be able to distinguish between the true benefits and drawbacks of solar energy.

To assist you, we’ve compiled a comprehensive list that weighs the Pros and Cons of Solar Installation.

Pros of Going Solar Power

  • Solar Rebates And Incentives

California provides a number of incentives to encourage the use of solar energy in both homes and businesses. The Investment Tax Credit (ITC), also known as the Solar Federal Income Tax Credit, is the primary financial incentive that is still available to California residents.

You would only receive 22% of your tax credit in 2021. Act now to ensure that your installation complies with the ITC guidelines, so you can reap the full benefits of going solar. Additional incentives are provided by Solar power system installers or local governments.

  • Get Rid of California’s Expensive Electricity Costs

We have become increasingly reliant on electricity as a society. Whether it’s to turn on the lights, charge your electric vehicle, connect to the internet, or wash your clothes, electricity has become a necessity for the well-being of your family. Every switch flip, EV charge, and WiFi connection costs money.

The cost of electricity in California is not cheap; according to a study conducted by the United States Energy Information Administration (EIA), California is the seventh most expensive state for electricity costs. In addition, SCE is proposing a 14.4 percent increase in electricity rates in 2021.

  • A better environment

Did you know that the average household produces nearly 20 million tons of carbon pollution per year? Buildings alone account for nearly 35% of carbon emissions in the United States.

Many of our customers choose solar energy because they are concerned about climate change and the environmental consequences of traditional energy sources. Every household that goes solar reduces its carbon footprint by replacing fossil fuel consumption with renewable energy, resulting in a cleaner environment and a brighter future for your family.

  • Increase the Value of Your Home

The most important consideration for most homeowners when it comes to solar is the impact it will have on their homes. That fear is what makes installing a solar PV system so difficult. Numerous research articles can provide compelling evidence about how adding solar panels can increase the value of your home.

Wouldn’t you pay more for a home that costs less to operate if you had two identical homes? The sale of homes equipped with Home Solar System Installation revealed that properties outfitted with PV systems sold at a 3.74 percent premium.

Also Read – Do Solar Panels Work in the Winter Season in California?

Cons of Going Solar Power

  • If you’re about to relocate, solar isn’t the best option.

Solar is a great financial investment, but it can take some time to reach the break-even point that industry sales reps frequently tout. In the United States, the average payback period for solar panels is about seven and a half years. 

Installing solar panels on a young homeowner’s roof who plans to move in the next few years may seem like a waste of money. However, as you’ll see later in this article, solar can actually increase the value of your home and thus increase your return when you sell it.

  • Solar panels are not suitable for all types of roofs.

Rooftop solar panels are installed by attaching a mounting system (also known as “racking”) to your roof. Certain roofing materials used in older or historical homes, such as slate or cedar tiles, can be difficult for solar installers to work with, posing a barrier to solar power.

 Furthermore, many homes and apartment buildings have skylights or other rooftop additions, such as roof decks, which can make solar installation difficult or costly. In the long run, however, this should not be a barrier to the widespread adoption of solar power in the United States.

  • Initial Investment is Expensive

Average-sized systems generating 4kW to 8kW of power cost between $15,000 and $29,000. These costs include the solar panels, inverter, mounting hardware, and wiring, as well as installation, permits, repairs, monitoring, and maintenance, as well as additional operating and overhead costs.

It’s worth noting that this does not include a battery storage system, which is an extra cost. If you intend to supplement your energy needs by connecting to the local energy grid, battery storage systems are not required.

Also Read – 5 Things to Know Before Opting Solar Power in your Home.

How Much Do Solar Panels Cost in California?

According to SolarReviews, solar panels in California Home Solar Installation Cost about $20,645 or $3.44 per watt for a 6kW solar system, with average prices ranging from $19,876 to $21,753 in the US for 2021. This is the estimated cost of solar panel installation before federal and California solar tax credits and incentives are applied.

Also Read – How Much Do Solar Panels Cost in Los Angeles, California?

Conclusion –

The benefits and drawbacks of solar energy in California should reassure you that the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks. Solar energy pros and cons are primarily influenced by natural occurrences. 
For us pros out-stand the cons here, we surely advise you to go solar, and to do that so you must get in touch with Solar Companies in California.


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