When it comes to solar panels, timing is everything, so when is the best time to install Solar panels in Los Angeles, CA?

California is one of the leading home solar states in the U.S. High solar irradiance, high electric costs, the federal tax credit of 26%, and their net metering policy all ensure that residents in California will reap significant benefits from installing solar panels.

When is the right time to go solar?  

So, you’ve been considering installing a solar power system for a while. Your electricity bills are steadily increasing, and there appears to be a reasonable way to reduce them. If you’re on the fence about whether or not going solar is right for you, keep in mind that the cost of solar continues to fall.

But how do you know now’s the best time to go solar? Should you wait to see whether solar panel prices drop even more? 

Also Read: – 7 Things to Consider When Planning for Solar System, CA.

Here’s the time of  the year when you should go solar: winters

Winter is the Optimal Time to Install Solar Panel

Winter is the Optimal Time to Install Solar Panel

Despite the fact that summer is the most popular time for solar panel installation, most homeowners prefer winter.

It’s a common misconception that solar panels are less effective in the winter, but this is untrue. Your solar panels will generate energy even if you live in an area with heavy clouds and cold temperatures. The efficiency of solar panels can improve in cold weather.

Here are the top reasons why installing a home solar system in the winter is a good idea:

  • It assists you in making significant financial savings.

Because demand is lower in the winter, you can save money on your solar panel installation. Keep in mind that the cost of your home will be determined by a variety of factors, including its location and roof size. Solar companies create a custom design for each customer, helping to reduce costs and maximize efficiency.

  • Solar panels can be installed more quickly.

Because fewer people install solar panel during the winter, you won’t have to wait long to get started. During the summer, however, you may find yourself at the end of a long line of homeowners waiting weeks for an installer to come out to your home. You can get to your house faster during the slower, colder months when there are fewer installations in your neighborhood.

  • Beat the heat with solar

When the weather warms up in the summer, so do your electricity bills. In June, July, and August, homeowners tend to use more air conditioning, so getting ready earlier in the year can help save money with Solar Power. You’ll be too late if you wait until your first summer air conditioning bill arrives.

Install Solar Before Summer

Install Solar Before Summer

Solar panel installation is such a large investment, the timing of the installation can have a significant impact on a homeowner’s overall satisfaction with their solar system. Of course, homeowners can install solar panel on their roofs at any time, but those who do so in the late winter or early spring will see the most immediate results from their panels.

Solar companies strive to make their customers’ solar journeys as painless and simple as possible. As a result, many customers are unaware that solar companies devote hundreds of hours to planning, designing, permitting, and installing solar systems for each and every home.

Also Read: – When is the best time to do a Solar Panel Installation in Fresno?

Why Going Solar in Winter is Ideal- 

Banking Electricity Credits Through Net Metering: As your system begins to generate energy in the summer, you’ll notice that your electricity bills begin to decrease. During the summer, your system will almost certainly produce more electricity than your home consumes.

Solar Tax Credits : The government’s distribution of tax credits has been one of the greatest short-term benefits of going solar for several years. Regrettably, the federal government has begun to reduce the annual amount that new solar owners can receive. This year, the tax credit was reduced from 30% to 26%, but in 2021, it will be reduced to 22%, and in 2022, there will be no tax credit. On a new solar system, that extra 4% can save homeowners over a thousand dollars.

Also Read: – What Solar Subsidies are Available to California House Owners in 2021?

Rising Electricity Bills: Electric bills are on the rise, it’s no secret. Utility companies will continue to raise rates, leaving homeowners with no choice but to pay exorbitant electricity bills. The cost of electricity has increased by more than 60% in the last 20 years. Residential electricity prices are expected to rise by at least 1% per year over the next five years, according to the US Energy Information Administration.

Conclusion – 

There has never been a better time to go solar than now, whether it’s to take advantage of the sunny summer months, get a tax credit, or avoid the rising cost of electricity. Start by taking the first step looking for the best solar panels companies in Los Angeles, California. For more details.


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