Do you want to add solar panels to your home? With over a million solar-powered homes in California now, many homeowners are realizing how beneficial they are. If you’re thinking about solar panels installation in your home; but don’t know where to begin, you’ve come to the right place.

We’ll go over the specifics of how solar panels installation work and how many you might require for your home.

How Do Solar Panels Work?

Solar panels absorb photons that tap free. When they liberate from the atoms, they generate electricity. Solar panels absorb light and convert it directly into usable electricity

  • Cells in solar panels absorb light.
  • They convert light into DC electricity.
  • To convert that power to AC power, all systems require an inverter (string, micro, or hybrid).
  • The electricity is then deliver to your home via wires, where it powers everything connected to it.

How Much Solar Power Does Your House Need?

How Much Solar Power Does Your House Need

To find your monthly energy consumption simply examine your utility bills; for the previous 12 months to determine your monthly energy consumption. (This way you will include both summer and winter season requirements). Look up the total number of units you used in a given month.

Add up the totals and divide by 12 to get an average. The simplest way to figure out your total is to contact your electric company and inquire about the details.

An average household consumes about 90 units (kWh) of energy per month, according to a study conducted. This is enough electricity to power; two light bulbs, a television, ceiling fans, an air conditioner, a refrigerator, and a few small kitchen appliances.

Undoubtedly, depending on the size of your home; the number of family members, and the number of appliances you use; you may use more or less than the average amount.

Factors that determine how many solar panels installation you need

You might believe that just the size of your home determines how many solar panels you require, but this is not the case. To figure out how many solar panels you’ll need for your solar energy system, you’ll need to know the following:

Your energy usage: You’ll need more Solar Power to cover your electricity costs if you use a lot of electricity.

Panel Wattage: The wattage, also known as the power rating, of the solar panels you choose determines how much energy they will produce; most solar power systems installed today have a power rating of around 320 watts per panel; when you install panels with high wattage ratings, you will need fewer panels.

Sunlight in your area: Homes in areas with less sunlight will require more solar panels to eliminate their electricity bills than those in sunnier states. As a general rule, the southwestern United States receives the most sun, while the northeast receives the least. But if you get a solar panels installation in California, you are in great luck. 

How Many Solar Panels Are Needed to Power My Home?

How Many Solar Panels Are Needed to Power My Home

The average American household consumes 10,400 kWh of electricity each year. You’d need around 28-34 solar panels to generate enough energy to power your entire home if you installed the average 250-watt solar panel.

Solar panels installation, unlike the traditional utility grid, which automatically connects to your home during construction, is a highly individual process, which drives up the cost. To check if solar panels is a good fit for you; we prefer these three steps:

  • Calculate your electricity usage in kWh. you can find this information on your electric bill, or you can estimate it here.
  • Subtract that amount from the estimated solar panel production. Depending on your location and property, the exact estimate will vary (e.g. tree coverage and regional sunshine).
  • Divide that number by 250, the average wattage of a solar panel, to get an estimate of how many solar panels you’ll need to meet 100% of your home’s electricity needs.

Also Read: – How Much Rooftop Area is Required to Install Solar Panels?

Conclusion – 

Solar panels are an excellent way to save money while also being environmentally friendly. However, they are only effective when the right products are used and the installation is done correctly. 

You should only use high-quality solar panels and solar equipment and for that, you must get in touch with the best solar panels installation in Fresno, CA. Companies that can guide you to the best of the solar can offer.


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